• Stop Smoking with Hypnosis Explained

Stop Smoking with Hypnosis Explained

Stop Smoking with Hypnosis Explained Transcript Today I'm going to talk about smoking cessation with hypnosis. Hypnosis is actually really effective at helping people to stop smoking. It's even more effective than the patch and some of the drugs out there with no side effects. Sometimes the side effects from the commercials they list are [...]

By |2022-10-18T13:44:16-04:00August 22nd, 2022|Hypnosis, Mindfulness, Smoking Cessation|Comments Off on Stop Smoking with Hypnosis Explained
  • Increase Productivity with a simple to do list

Increase Productivity with a Simple To Do List

Increase Productivity with a Simple To-Do List Transcript I'm going to just give a productivity tip today because I have told this to a lot of people and it seems to really help them. A lot of people will make a list that's in a book and a planner and then it's really hard to see [...]

By |2022-07-11T10:21:49-04:00July 18th, 2022|Entrepreneurs, Mindfulness, Parenting|Comments Off on Increase Productivity with a Simple To Do List
  • Journaling Step 2 with Dr Liz

Journaling Step 2, the step most people forget about

Journaling Step 2, the step most people forget about Transcript Today's tip is about journaling, it's step two of journaling. Now, there's so much research on how good journaling is for you. Some people are journalers, some people are not. People who are not journalers are not going to be watching. This is for you [...]

By |2022-07-06T04:10:34-04:00July 11th, 2022|Anxiety, BPD, Hypnosis, Insomnia, Mindfulness, Parenting, sleep|Comments Off on Journaling Step 2, the step most people forget about
  • Trust Issues - How to find a therapist if you have them

Trust Issues? How to find a therapist if you have them

Trust Issues? How to find a therapist if you have them Transcript HI everyone Dr. Liz here! This is part of my therapist little mini-series that I'm doing here and it's about how to find the therapist if you have trust issues going on. So, often people with trust issues don't even end up in [...]

By |2022-07-21T11:25:54-04:00July 4th, 2022|Anxiety, BPD, Couples Counseling, Hypnosis, Insomnia, Mindfulness, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Trust Issues? How to find a therapist if you have them

Three Signs your Therapist is Bad

Three Signs your Therapist is Bad Transcript Hi everyone! Dr. Liz here. Today's video is three signs of a bad therapist. Now, I may throw in a couple more, so that you know, but I want to get these top three out there. Okay so I have a whole other video about how to break [...]

By |2022-06-27T10:01:09-04:00June 27th, 2022|Addiction, Anxiety, BPD, Hypnosis, Mindfulness, sleep|Comments Off on Three Signs your Therapist is Bad
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