How to have more Fun on Social Media

how to have more fun on SM How is life in your corner of the world? I hope you’re keeping safe and grounded. If you’re struggling, please know that you’re not alone. Life continues to be difficult for many around the world. I understand and hold space for you.

Many times during my meditation time, I picture connections of light with all of my family, friends, clients, subscribers, and anyone I’ve ever helped or will in the future.

I may just know your name and email address if you’re on my newsletter, but you’re still thought of energetically.

I took a break from the podcast and newsletter in August. I’m feeling refreshed and ready for the fall season.

Sometimes briefly art journaling or spending time making something helps me re-center and feel better. Other times it’s tea and a good show or Reading. If I jump on SM, it’s only on my “fun account.”

Set up your “Fun Account”

A “fun account” is where you don’t follow anyone you know and don’t allow others to follow you either. You’re not posting anything on this account. You’re simply there to browse and get inspiration around your favorite things.

This takes the pressure off of you to post on SM, be a certain way, or to worry about comments or interacting. Mine is filled with quilts, art, fairies, talking dogs (Bunny and Miso), and miniature making – just stuff I enjoy.

Even so, I don’t spend too much time there and I’m sure to jump off and do something in the real world pretty quickly even if it’s just briefly walking the dog.

Today, I just wanted to let you know that you’re not alone. Someone cares about you and your struggles. And to offer some ideas for health. Here’s a hug for you!

Before you go, remember to join the newsletter and get your Free Hypnosis to reduce Fear and Anxiety!

Dr Liz Bonet Headshot Hypnotherapist Hypnosis

I work with people all over the world. If you want to feel better and have a transformed life, grab your Free Consultation with me to get the deets on working together (the how, the when, the where, and the how much)!

Click to Schedule a Free Consultation

Peace and Health,
Dr. Liz