• DrLiz chicken mask

Free Mask Promotion

Free Mask Promotion (until December 31, 2020) *For US listeners only due to current mail restrictions Dr. Liz in her very popular chicken mask The Hypnotize Me podcast is starting Season 5 this month! I can't believe I've been running it for 4 years, but it's true! I'm so grateful for all the wonderful [...]

By |2020-11-09T11:03:16-05:00November 9th, 2020|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Free Mask Promotion
  • thought-changing-tip-broward-hypnosis-cbt

Today’s Thought Changing Tip!

Today's Thought Changing Tip! Last week, we talked about a self-help book that I recommend, "Feeling Great," by David Burns, MD, who is a very well-known Cognitive Behavioral Therapist (CBT). The book focuses on looking at the negative way you're viewing things and changing your thought patterns to positive ones to feel better. One thought changing method I've [...]

By |2020-10-18T18:33:43-04:00October 20th, 2020|Anxiety, CBT, Hypnosis, Mindfulness|Comments Off on Today’s Thought Changing Tip!
  • do self-help books work treatment fort lauderdale broward south florida CBT

Do Self-Help Books Work?

Do Self-Help Books Work? The short answer is YES! But the long answer has a few more nuances to it. I cannot tell you how many "self-help" books have helped me in my life. It's too many to count! That doesn't mean though that I haven't spent years of my life seeking professional help. There's a perspective that [...]

By |2020-10-13T13:57:35-04:00October 13th, 2020|Anxiety, CBT, Mindfulness, OCD|Comments Off on Do Self-Help Books Work?

How’s your Eating these days?

How is your eating and health these days? People went OFF the scale with their eating when the pandemic first hit, but I'm wondering if you've adjusted back to your regular patterns . . . or not. I know many are still working from home with a refrigerator living in the same house (or in [...]

By |2020-08-10T20:14:09-04:00August 18th, 2020|Anxiety, Hypnosis, Weight Loss|Comments Off on How’s your Eating these days?
  • asleep at the laptop insomnia treatment hypnosis

It’s not like the show “Working Moms!”

It's not like the show "Working Moms!" Hypnosis is nothing like it is on the show, "Working Moms." I actually love the show itself. It's super funny without judgement of the struggles moms face. But there's an "evil hypnotist," Dr. Brad, who shows up in season 2. He uses hypnosis for "bad," implanting thoughts into [...]

By |2020-08-10T20:18:28-04:00August 11th, 2020|Anxiety, BPD, Hypnosis|Comments Off on It’s not like the show “Working Moms!”
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