• HM256 What do I do with these Feelings

HM256 What do I do with these Feelings?

It's the first episode of the 7th season/year of the podcast! Dr. Liz kicks it off with talking about feelings – that they're all ok and what to do with the ones you don't particularly want. She talks about several flags that means you're invalidating your feelings and give ideas about what to [...]

By |2022-12-12T09:01:01-05:00December 9th, 2022|Anxiety, BPD, CBT, DBT, Podcast|Comments Off on HM256 What do I do with these Feelings?
  • anxiety-treatment-south-florida-anna-shvets-4226215

Manage your Anxiety

Manage your Anxiety So who struggles with anxiety and what kind of advice have you gotten? Take deep breaths?  Meditate? Do some "self-care?" Those can help in the long-term, but they're not very practical for the short-term "I'm having anxiety RIGHT NOW!" type of feeling. Try these instead. And give yourself a high five after doing one! Shorter-term strategies: How [...]

By |2022-10-25T17:25:08-04:00October 25th, 2022|Anxiety|Comments Off on Manage your Anxiety
  • HM250 Getting Un-stuck with Todd Smith

HM250 Getting Un-Stuck with Todd Smith

Are you feeling stuck around something in your life? Certified Byron Katy facilitator Todd Smith joins us on the podcast to talk about getting un-stuck with what's called "The Work."  We talk about how he got started, what's changed, and his weekly free sessions. For practical help you can apply today, he reviews [...]

By |2022-10-01T07:46:19-04:00September 30th, 2022|Anxiety, Entrepreneurs, Mindfulness, Podcast|Comments Off on HM250 Getting Un-Stuck with Todd Smith
  • how to have more fun on SM

How to have more Fun on Social Media

How to have more Fun on Social Media How is life in your corner of the world? I hope you're keeping safe and grounded. If you're struggling, please know that you're not alone. Life continues to be difficult for many around the world. I understand and hold space for you. Many times during my meditation [...]

By |2022-09-16T16:19:57-04:00September 20th, 2022|Anxiety, BPD, CBT, DBT, Entrepreneurs, migraines, Mindfulness|Comments Off on How to have more Fun on Social Media
  • HM248 FREE Hypnosis for Insomnia Remastered with Music

HM248 FREE Hypnosis for Insomnia with Music

Certified in CBT for Insomnia and Hypnosis for Insomnia, Dr. Liz once again comes to your rescue with a free hypnosis. Enjoy! Remastered and re-recorded, it's the ever popular Hypnosis for Insomnia. This is in the top 5 of all time downloaded episodes consistently. This episode has background music, but if you prefer [...]

By |2023-07-09T09:06:01-04:00September 16th, 2022|Hypnosis, Insomnia, Podcast, sleep|Comments Off on HM248 FREE Hypnosis for Insomnia with Music
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