• Whats Up Dr Liz Hypnotherapy in south florida

HM247 What’s Up Dr. Liz?

As we head into a new school year and the fall, Dr. Liz gives an update about her life and the podcast. She talks about: The top episodes that have been downloaded on the podcast How to find the older episodes on the website How to attract better people into your life. How [...]

By |2022-10-27T11:59:43-04:00September 2nd, 2022|Podcast|Comments Off on HM247 What’s Up Dr. Liz?
  • HM242-Sleep-and-Insomnia-Tips-How-to-Wind-Down-with-Dr-Liz

HM242 Sleep & Insomnia Tips How to Wind Down

Certified in CBT for Insomnia and Hypnosis for Insomnia, Dr. Liz gives you some solid sleep and insomnia tips. This is the first part of a four part series on tips for sleep and insomnia. Part 1 Air date: 06/17/22: Focuses on creating a good wind down, what NOT to do during wind [...]

By |2022-08-18T10:05:29-04:00June 17th, 2022|CBT-I, Insomnia, Podcast|Comments Off on HM242 Sleep & Insomnia Tips How to Wind Down
  • Dr-Liz-on-Self-Sabotage-Pin2

Stop Self-Sabotaging

Stop Self-Sabotaging Who hasn't felt like they sabotage themself from time to time? Some people feel this way far more often! I'm always curious about self-sabotage and have done a couple of interviews on the podcast to learn more about it. When I went through an  Intensive Healing Hypnosis Process  myself to be trained in it, I discovered very [...]

By |2022-06-06T10:22:13-04:00June 5th, 2022|Addiction, Anxiety, BPD, Hypnosis, Sex and Love Addiction, Smoking Cessation, Weight Loss|Comments Off on Stop Self-Sabotaging
  • Get Light when you wake up to sleep better

Get Light when you Wake up to Sleep Better Later

Get Light when you Wake up to Sleep Better Later Transcript Hey everyone Dr. Liz here. People do not think about better sleep starting the minute they wake up actually. So i always recommend that you go out and get a little bit of light when you wake up whenever you can. If you can [...]

By |2022-03-12T13:46:35-05:00March 21st, 2022|CBT-I, Insomnia|Comments Off on Get Light when you Wake up to Sleep Better Later
  • self-hypnosis with dr liz leon county

Dr. Liz on Self-Hypnosis

Dr. Liz on Self-Hypnosis The goal of hypnosis is always Self-Hypnosis, that you can do at home. Transcript Hi. I'm Dr. Elizabeth Bonet with floridapsychotherapy.com and today we're going to talk a little bit about self-hypnosis. What is self-hypnosis versus just hypnosis? Someone comes into office and they want hypnosis for a particular thing. Either [...]

By |2022-03-12T13:00:24-05:00March 14th, 2022|Anxiety, Hypnosis, IBS, Insomnia, migraines, Mindfulness|Comments Off on Dr. Liz on Self-Hypnosis
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