• beach-hypnosis-broward

Where’s the Beach?

Where's the Beach? Summer is underway and last Sunday I spent the day at the beach catching up with friends that I haven't seen in a while. Both of our kids graduated from high school the day before and they had met each other in kindergarten. There were years in there when neither of us [...]

By |2024-07-13T11:30:56-04:00July 13th, 2024|Anxiety, CBT, DBT, Insomnia|Comments Off on Where’s the Beach?
  • HM297 Neutralize Feelings about your Ex with EMDR

HM297 Neutralize Feelings about your Ex with EMDR

Can unresolved emotional triggers from past relationships still affect your present? Absolutely! Despite a decade-long divorce and his temporary recovery from throat cancer bringing brief peace, old patterns recently emerged, rekindling anger and emotional turmoil with Dr. Liz's ex-husband. Dr. Liz shares her personal story navigating the complexities of managing reactivity towards her ex-husband [...]

By |2024-07-13T10:29:14-04:00July 12th, 2024|Couples Counseling, NPD, Parenting, Podcast|Comments Off on HM297 Neutralize Feelings about your Ex with EMDR
  • HM295 Healing CPTSD with EMDR, IMET, and Hypnosis with Jacquelyn Haley

HM295 Healing CPTSD with EMDR, IEMT, and Hypnosis with Jacquelyn Haley

What are the differences between EMDR and IEMT? And how does Hypnosis fit in for healing trauma and complex PTSD? When do you use which one? Hypnotist Jacquelyn Haley joins us from South Wales in the UK and shares her experiences working in all three methods. She's a pleasure to talk to as [...]

By |2024-06-22T13:17:08-04:00June 21st, 2024|Anxiety, Podcast, Spiritual Hypnosis|Comments Off on HM295 Healing CPTSD with EMDR, IEMT, and Hypnosis with Jacquelyn Haley
  • HM288 What to do with Acting Out Teens with Dr Jill Gross

HM288 What to do with Acting out Teens with Dr. Jill Gross

In response to a listener question about teens, I speak with Dr. Jill Gross about her personal and professional experience guiding parents through this major transition. We discuss: Snooping vs Privacy Technology vs Letting go of Control What books recommend vs reality The transition to college and empty nest ideas And what parents [...]

By |2024-03-01T17:04:41-05:00March 1st, 2024|Parenting, Podcast|Comments Off on HM288 What to do with Acting out Teens with Dr. Jill Gross
  • HM285 Clearing Blocks with Dom the Hypnotist

HM285 Clearing Blocks with Dom the Hypnotist

I never thought I'd find myself entranced by the stories of a Vegas hypnotist, yet here we are. Dom's odyssey from insurance to hypnotherapy is not just a career change; it's a testimony to the untapped potential within us all. Our latest episode invites you into the world of hypnosis, where the mind's [...]

By |2024-01-19T10:21:56-05:00January 19th, 2024|Entrepreneurs, Hypnosis, Podcast|Comments Off on HM285 Clearing Blocks with Dom the Hypnotist
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