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Another Quick Tip for Anxiety

Another Quick Tip for Anxiety How are you this week? The last newsletter talked about tips you can use to handle anxiety when it's happening in the moment. If you missed it, you can read it here.  But here's another quick tip for in the moment anxiety that came in from reader and colleague, Dr. Andy [...]

By |2022-10-25T18:15:43-04:00November 8th, 2022|Anxiety, CBT, CBT-I, Insomnia|Comments Off on Another Quick Tip for Anxiety
  • Decrease Anxiety with Even Breath

Decrease Anxiety with an Even Breath

Decrease Anxiety with an Even Breath There's nothing worse than uncontrollable anxiety! Try this Even breath technique to bring down anxiety in the moment and at any time that you use it. Transcript: So, today I'm going to talk about an even breath. So another breath that I teach in my practice (I teach a couple [...]

By |2022-10-20T12:14:33-04:00October 10th, 2022|Anxiety, BPD, CBT, Mindfulness|Comments Off on Decrease Anxiety with an Even Breath
  • pexels-engin-akyurt-1458826 depression thyroid languishing treatment broward

Is it your thyroid, depression, or age?

Is it your thyroid, depression, or age? Are you Draaagggging? How are you today? Do you feel like you're dragging along a lot of the time? Sometimes "dragging" feels like "languishing." It just feels like you're plodding along in life. You don't feel like doing much, going out of your house much. And certainly not [...]

By |2022-09-16T16:12:46-04:00September 29th, 2022|Anxiety, BPD, CBT, Hypnosis, Insomnia|Comments Off on Is it your thyroid, depression, or age?
  • how to have more fun on SM

How to have more Fun on Social Media

How to have more Fun on Social Media How is life in your corner of the world? I hope you're keeping safe and grounded. If you're struggling, please know that you're not alone. Life continues to be difficult for many around the world. I understand and hold space for you. Many times during my meditation [...]

By |2022-09-16T16:19:57-04:00September 20th, 2022|Anxiety, BPD, CBT, DBT, Entrepreneurs, migraines, Mindfulness|Comments Off on How to have more Fun on Social Media
  • HM243 Sleep & Insomnia Tips How to use Light for Better Sleep and to Reduce Jet Lag B

HM243 Sleep & Insomnia Tips How to use Light for Better Sleep and to Reduce Jet Lag

Certified in CBT for Insomnia and Hypnosis for Insomnia, Dr. Liz gives you some solid sleep and insomnia tips. This is the second part of a four part series on tips for sleep and insomnia. Part 2 Air date: 07/01/22: How to use Light to Sleep Better and to decrease Jet Lag. There [...]

By |2022-08-18T10:15:15-04:00July 1st, 2022|Anxiety, CBT, CBT-I, Insomnia, Podcast, sleep|Comments Off on HM243 Sleep & Insomnia Tips How to use Light for Better Sleep and to Reduce Jet Lag
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