  • Women In-Depth Features Dr. Liz Inner Child Hypnosis

Women In-Depth Features Dr. Liz

Women In-Depth Features Dr. Liz I was just a Featured Guest on the Women In-Depth podcast! This is one of my favorite podcasts with the host Dr. Lourdes Viado! It's a podcast about the inner lives of women, their struggles, hopes, fear and dreams; and aspects of life which are hidden from [...]

By |July 17th, 2017|Comments Off on Women In-Depth Features Dr. Liz
  • Reflux GI hypnosis

NBC airs news report about Hypnosis for Tummy Troubles

Available for telemental health appointments. Reduce reflux and GI disorders with hypnosis. Free consultation at 954-309-9071. NBC airs news report about Hypnosis for Tummy Troubles I got several calls in the last week due to a feature that NBC ran about hypnosis for heartburn and IBS and other GI problems. [...]

By |July 12th, 2017|Comments Off on NBC airs news report about Hypnosis for Tummy Troubles
  • Length of treatment fort lauderdale psychotherapy hypnosis

How long is Therapy?

How long is Therapy? This is probably the question I get asked the most, other than "What is Hypnosis like?" It's a great question as it allows you to plan and budget for therapy. Let's look at the research first before jumping into my thoughts about it.  According to a 2010 study published [...]

By |July 6th, 2017|Comments Off on How long is Therapy?
  • Katy Perry livestreams therapy

Katy Perry livestreamed therapy session

Katy Perry livestreamed therapy session I was quite impressed to hear that Katy Perry livestreamed a therapy session so that people could get a sense of what therapy is like, to decrease the stigma, and to highlight how much it can help someone transform. “I have been in therapy for five years,” [...]

By |June 14th, 2017|Comments Off on Katy Perry livestreamed therapy session
  • Call today for a free consultation to see if hypnosis for IBS is right for you. 954-309-9071

Hypnosis for IBS – A Highly Successful Treatment

Hypnosis for IBS - A Highly Successful Treatment Welcome to my website. This video talks about the success of hypnosis for IBS. Medical hypnosis for IBS is a highly researched and highly effective protocol. Researched at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill created by Dr. Pallson, the protocol is for 7 hypnosis sessions every other [...]

By |May 29th, 2017|Comments Off on Hypnosis for IBS – A Highly Successful Treatment
  • Stop Smoking Hypnosis Broward Dr Liz Fort Lauderdale South Florida

How to Stop Smoking with Hypnosis with Dr. Liz

How to Stop Smoking with Hypnosis with Dr. Liz To get Started living a new life, schedule a free consultation. Transcript Hi. Dr. Liz here with conversations for effective living. Today's topic is how to stop smoking with hypnosis. I get a lot of calls for this, and I'm going to break it [...]

By |May 22nd, 2017|Comments Off on How to Stop Smoking with Hypnosis with Dr. Liz
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