  • pexels-lina-1740900 tips for holiday sanity dr li

Tips for Holiday Sanity

Tips for Holiday Sanity The holiday season is here! I've put together some tips for you if you really hate being at the parties and events. These work great for HSP (Highly Sensitive People) and Autistic people too! 1. Don't go. Really. Have a cozy evening at home and send all the calls [...]

By |November 12th, 2024|Comments Off on Tips for Holiday Sanity
  • pexels-raychel-sanner-3084699-4870641 hurricane trauma

What to expect post Hurricanes – Trauma Reactions

What to expect post Hurricane - Trauma Reactions   When Hurricane Helene hit Asheville, NC, I happened to be visiting my daughter. I flew in Thursday night thinking we would get a little rain and wind. Instead, I spent four days without power and water in a one bedroom apartment with 4 [...]

By |October 15th, 2024|Comments Off on What to expect post Hurricanes – Trauma Reactions
  • 5 Manipulations of Narcissists

5 Manipulations of Narcissists with Dr. Liz

5 Manipulations of Narcissists with Dr. Liz Transcript (edited for clarity) hi everyone Dr Liz here.  I just did a video on five beliefs of narcissists - what's running around in their head -  that addresses their behavior five beliefs. And now this one is five tools of narcissists / emotional manipulators [...]

By |October 15th, 2024|Comments Off on 5 Manipulations of Narcissists with Dr. Liz

5 Beliefs of Narcissists with Dr Liz

5 Beliefs of Narcissists with Dr Liz Transcript Hi everyone Dr Liz here.  I thought I would give you five beliefs that are running around a narcissist head okay. These are principles that they operate on. These are things they truly believe and that drive a lot of their actions that they [...]

By |October 7th, 2024|Comments Off on 5 Beliefs of Narcissists with Dr Liz
  • Sleep-Mistake-6-for-Insomniacs-and-Poor-Sleepers

Sleep Mistake #6 for Insomniacs & Poor Sleepers

Sleep Mistake #6 for Insomniacs & Poor Sleepers Transcript Hey everyone Dr Liz here. I just put out a podcast about the top five mistakes that insomniacs and poor sleepers make and I thought I didn't include one big tip. Uou can't include everything trying to do a top five right. So [...]

By |September 29th, 2024|Comments Off on Sleep Mistake #6 for Insomniacs & Poor Sleepers
  • 1-2-3-4-5 Easy Way to Stay Calm

1-2-3-4-5 Easy Way to Stay Calm with Dr. Liz

1-2-3-4-5 Easy Way to Stay Calm with Dr. Liz Transcript Hey everyone, Dr Liz here. I'm going to show you a very fast and simple technique that you can use anywhere to help yourself calm down, I actually used it when I was in eye surgery which was going on for a [...]

By |September 23rd, 2024|Comments Off on 1-2-3-4-5 Easy Way to Stay Calm with Dr. Liz
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