• HM281-Navigating-the-Storm-Managing-Anxiety-and-Painful-Feelings-1

HM281 Navigating the Storm: Managing Anxiety and Painful Feelings

Ever found yourself caught in a whirlwind of anxious thoughts? We delve into the heart of anxiety, identifying critical thoughts that heighten it and exploring how to manage it. I share my own recent experience of having to manage anxiety through the backdrop of my youngest daughter's life-altering medication change and the fear [...]

By |2024-01-13T11:22:11-05:00December 8th, 2023|Anxiety, DBT, Parenting, Podcast|Comments Off on HM281 Navigating the Storm: Managing Anxiety and Painful Feelings
  • Viparita Karani for Better Sleep

Yoga for Insomnia during Pregnancy

Yoga for Insomnia during Pregnancy Insomnia in pregnancy is really frustrating. You’re exhausted anyway and then on top of that you can’t sleep! It’s like a double-whammy! If it’s your first pregnancy, you’re worried about working the next day. If it’s not your first pregnancy, you’re worried about working and/or taking care of the other [...]

By |2023-07-12T08:52:51-04:00July 12th, 2023|Childbirth, Prenatal and Postpartum|Comments Off on Yoga for Insomnia during Pregnancy
  • It's all THEIR fault

It’s all THEIR fault and what to do about it

It's all THEIR Fault and what to do about it Transcript I am going to talk about when you think that it's all the other person's fault when you're in a relationship. So occasionally, I will get a call from a partner that says, "It's really not me; it's all the other person's fault. All [...]

By |2023-04-03T11:26:58-04:00March 27th, 2023|Couples Counseling, Mindfulness|Comments Off on It’s all THEIR fault and what to do about it
  • Goal Setting with a Vision Journal

Goal Setting with a Vision Journal

Goal Setting with a Vision Journal Goal setting with a Vision or Art Journal is a creative way to accomplish your goals!           Transcript Today we're going to talk about one method of goal setting, which is a vision journal. I have three or four different videos about goal setting on my [...]

By |2023-03-04T14:09:38-05:00February 20th, 2023|Entrepreneurs, Mindfulness|Comments Off on Goal Setting with a Vision Journal
  • Bonding with your Baby Takes Time

Bonding with your Baby Takes Time

Bonding with your Baby Takes Time Bonding with your Baby Takes Time. A frequent fear I hear from moms is that they haven't or aren't bonding with their baby like they expected. As a PMD / PPD specialist in Broward County, Florida, I can tell you that for some women it's immediate but for a [...]

By |2023-01-18T11:50:22-05:00January 23rd, 2023|Anxiety, Childbirth, Couples Counseling, Parenting, Prenatal and Postpartum|Comments Off on Bonding with your Baby Takes Time
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