• OCD and Corona Virus

OCD and You during Coronavirus!

OCD and You during Coronavirus! Pretty much everyone is feeling a little OCD right now! And many of us are confused about what to sanitize, where to sanitize, and when to sanitize! I wanted to share a great article I found. This is the first one I've seen that goes into the risk associated with doing different [...]

By |2020-04-30T12:36:44-04:00April 30th, 2020|Anxiety, OCD|Comments Off on OCD and You during Coronavirus!
  • Dr Liz on Woman Worriers

How to Manage Insomnia and Get Better Sleep on the Woman Worriers Podcast!

I'm happy to announce that the Sleep Better, Feel Better Online Group was featured on the Woman Worriers Podcast!  I was Honored to be a guest on podcast talking all about How to Manage Insomnia and Get Better Sleep! The host, Elizabeth Cush, is a specialist in anxiety and wanted some tips for her audience about [...]

By |2020-05-19T11:45:21-04:00April 23rd, 2020|Anxiety, Hypnosis, Insomnia|Comments Off on How to Manage Insomnia and Get Better Sleep on the Woman Worriers Podcast!
  • Insomnia treatment Sleep a major factor in performance

Sleep as a Major Influence for the US Army’s P3 / Performance Triad

Sleep as a Major Influence for the US Army's P3 / Performance Triad I ran across a great blog about performance in the US Army. Sleep was one of the major foundations of all other factors of performance and they had some good facts in their article too! FACTS about SLEEP: Sleeping less than 5 [...]

By |2020-04-21T17:08:25-04:00April 21st, 2020|Anxiety, Hypnosis, Insomnia, sleep|Comments Off on Sleep as a Major Influence for the US Army’s P3 / Performance Triad
  • How-to-improve-your-sleep-and-manage-your-stress-with-hypnotherapist-Dr-Liz-Bonet-banner square

Dr. Liz Featured on The Ideas Lab Podcast!

I'm happy to announce that the Sleep Better, Feel Better Online Group was featured on the Ideas Lab Podcast! I've followed the host, John Williams, for quite a while and have always been impressed by his knowledge and ideas. He's the author of the best selling book, "Screw Work, Let's Play!"  I was super pleased to be [...]

By |2020-04-17T09:21:38-04:00April 17th, 2020|Anxiety, Insomnia|Comments Off on Dr. Liz Featured on The Ideas Lab Podcast!

3-2-1 Technique to Reduce Stress

3-2-1 Technique to Reduce Stress With Corona Virus becoming a pandemic and spreading across the world, I thought I would share this very quick technique to reduce stress. Transcript Hi dr. liz here with drlizhypnosis.com and I'm just going to teach you a very simple useful technique to help reduce stress and anxiety hey there's [...]

By |2020-03-18T15:50:59-04:00March 18th, 2020|Anxiety, Mindfulness|Comments Off on 3-2-1 Technique to Reduce Stress
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