• CBT and hypnosis Fort Lauderdale Orlando

Micro-neurosurgery – Is that a Thing?

Micro-neurosurgery - Is that a Thing? ❤ A little reminder that you are good enough just as you are, infinitely amazing and worthy of joy, care, and kindness. When I first heard the term "micro-neurosurgery" for the treatment of depression and anxiety, I was like What the??? But then I read more about it. It's a [...]

By |2021-02-08T21:39:28-05:00February 10th, 2021|Addiction, Anxiety, CBT, Hypnosis|Comments Off on Micro-neurosurgery – Is that a Thing?
  • red light stay sober with hypnosis broward orlando

Can Hypnosis help you GET sober?

Can Hypnosis help you GET sober? After the holiday season, I get an increase in calls from people wanting to cut down on their drinking. I have special certification in Hypnosis and Addiction. What my training, research into it, and professional experience has taught me is that hypnosis is not effective to help someone get sober from drugs [...]

By |2020-12-14T16:03:35-05:00December 11th, 2020|Addiction, Anxiety, Hypnosis|Comments Off on Can Hypnosis help you GET sober?
  • hypnosis addiction treatment broward polk

Can Hypnosis Help You Stay Sober After Addiction Treatment?

Can Hypnosis Help You Stay Sober After Addiction Treatment? Guest post by Patrick Bailey. The first step to overcoming addiction is often seeking treatment. However, holistic addiction treatment doesn't end when you complete a substance abuse program. It's something that you will need to continue to work on to prevent relapse. It's important to use [...]

By |2020-12-09T12:48:31-05:00November 23rd, 2020|Addiction, Anxiety, Hypnosis, Mindfulness|Comments Off on Can Hypnosis Help You Stay Sober After Addiction Treatment?
  • kindness-women-hugging

3 Reasons for Kindness

3 Reasons for Kindness Someone asked me last week why I recommended doing an act of kindness to help with anxiety on election day 2020 in the United States. I had several reasons but these are the Top 3. 1.  It takes your focus off of you and your anxiety and onto someone or something [...]

By |2020-11-09T11:29:07-05:00November 12th, 2020|Anxiety|Comments Off on 3 Reasons for Kindness
  • Core Healing Bridge

Spiritual Hypnosis – Past Life Hypnosis and Between Lives

Spiritual Hypnosis - Past Life Hypnosis and Between Lives I don't have a whole lot on my website about the spiritual side of hypnosis. I talk about it in this video! You can also see the transcript below. Transcript  Hi, Dr. Liz here. I haven't done a video for my channel for a while. So [...]

By |2023-05-15T11:57:28-04:00August 31st, 2020|Hypnosis|Comments Off on Spiritual Hypnosis – Past Life Hypnosis and Between Lives
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