• HM312 Help for IBS and GI Disorders with Dr Ali Navidi

HM312 Help for IBS and GI Disorders with Dr. Ali Navidi

Dr. Navidi specializes in Hypnosis for GI Disorders and is a wealth of information that he shares with us on the podcast.  We talk about: ·       Underlying disorders ·       ARFID ·       How hypnosis works to help people feel better ·       Why some sessions are recorded and some are not ·       Interactive vs receptive [...]

By |2025-02-21T09:42:43-05:00February 21st, 2025|Podcast|Comments Off on HM312 Help for IBS and GI Disorders with Dr. Ali Navidi
  • HM296 Integrating Hypnosis and EMDR for healing trauma with Jaime

HM296 Integrating Hypnosis and EMDR for Healing Trauma with Jaime Weatherholt

This is the third episode of three about hypnosis and EMDR. Jaime is a licensed therapist trained and certified in both EMDR and hypnosis. She gives us her unique experience using both of them in her practice as a trauma therapist. And whether a past life is sometimes affecting a current day trauma. [...]

By |2024-07-01T06:59:17-04:00June 28th, 2024|Hypnosis, Insomnia, Podcast, sleep, Spiritual Hypnosis|Comments Off on HM296 Integrating Hypnosis and EMDR for Healing Trauma with Jaime Weatherholt
  • HM278 Harnessing Hypnosis, Dreams, and the Subconscious Mind with Drake Eastbur

HM278 Harnessing Hypnosis, Dreams, & the Subconscious Mind with Drake Eastburn

Let's delve into the mysteries of our subconscious minds with Drake Eastburn! He's returning to the podcast to discuss lucid dreaming, its potential applications in self-hypnosis, and the unique benefits of staying somewhat conscious during dreams. You'll take away valuable insights on how to employ self-hypnosis for improved sleep quality, control recurring dreams, [...]

By |2023-10-31T18:03:22-04:00October 27th, 2023|Hypnosis, Insomnia, Podcast|Comments Off on HM278 Harnessing Hypnosis, Dreams, & the Subconscious Mind with Drake Eastburn
  • HM275 Breaking out of the Frame with Kerri Hummingbird

HM275 Breaking out of the Frame with Kerri Hummingbird

Please be aware that we speak about suicide during this episode. What if you could harness the power of ancient traditions to awaken a sense of authenticity, passion, and purpose in your life? That's the intriguing concept we unpacked in a profound conversation with Kerri Hummingbird, medicine woman, mother, mentor, and founder of [...]

By |2023-09-18T12:23:17-04:00September 8th, 2023|BPD, NPD, Podcast|Comments Off on HM275 Breaking out of the Frame with Kerri Hummingbird
  • Free-Hypnosis-to-stop-Grinding-your-Teeth-Pin1

Stop Grinding your Teeth and Clenching your Jaw

Stop Grinding your Teeth and Clenching your Jaw! I hope your day is going well! If you have ever clenched your jaw or were grinding your teeth while you slept, you know how painful it can get. It doesn’t just cause jaw pain but can also cause radiating pain in the neck and head, resulting [...]

By |2023-05-26T10:58:24-04:00May 24th, 2023|Hypnosis, migraines|Comments Off on Stop Grinding your Teeth and Clenching your Jaw
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