• Insomnia and Weight Loss

Are you feeling Worn Out???

Are you finding yourself feeling just Worn Out? We know the pandemic is not ending anytime soon as well as the restrictions going along with it. People are feeling like they're living in a surreal world, having these moments where they think, "Are we really living this way now?" When the pandemic first started, most everyone felt [...]

By |2020-08-10T20:24:17-04:00August 5th, 2020|Anxiety, BPD, DBT, Parenting|Comments Off on Are you feeling Worn Out???
  • couples affairs therapist broward fort lauderdale

How to Spot a Lie in your Relationship

How to Spot a Lie in your Relationship After my divorce, I was fascinated with how to tell if someone I was dating was lying. I read books. I watched videos. I looked at systems that police departments and interrogators used. I practiced "baselining" someone and then watching their facial expressions closely. The South Florida dating world gave me plenty of opportunity [...]

By |2020-06-18T15:44:46-04:00July 14th, 2020|Anxiety, BPD, Couples Counseling|Comments Off on How to Spot a Lie in your Relationship
  • honesty-couples-counseling-broward-box

When NOT to Tell the Truth

When NOT to Tell the Truth We've talked about Why People Lie, and 9 Steps to Telling the Truth. Now let's talk bout if there's any time that it's ok to lie. Up front, let me say thatthis depends on YOU most of all - your values and your own personal integrity. For some people, [...]

By |2020-06-17T20:08:11-04:00July 7th, 2020|BPD, Couples Counseling|Comments Off on When NOT to Tell the Truth

Telling the Truth – 9 Steps

9 Steps to Telling the Truth To continue with our Couples Series, this week we're talking about how to be more honest in your relationship. If you missed last week's, you can read Why People Lie in Relationships. Most people struggle with telling the truth from time to time. But when someone starts telling bigger lies or [...]

By |2020-06-17T19:52:58-04:00June 30th, 2020|Anxiety, BPD, Couples Counseling|Comments Off on Telling the Truth – 9 Steps
  • Reduce Stress with Dr Liz

Why people Lie in Relationships

Why people Lie in Relationships This a BIG question, but there are answers. In fact, there are whole books written about this topic. Most of them center on affairs, but one I read recently talked about both affairs and lying in general. It's called, "Tell me No Lies" by Ellyn Bader and Pete Pearson. They [...]

By |2020-07-06T13:48:16-04:00June 26th, 2020|Anxiety, BPD, Couples Counseling|Comments Off on Why people Lie in Relationships
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