• Toxic Parent Inner Child

O Magazine’s Article about a Toxic Mother

O Magazine's Article about a Toxic Mother I just finished reading O Magazine's section on mental illness. It covered depression, anxiety, what your shrink's really thinking, therapy myths and had a whole section on a toxic mom from her adult child's (author Katie Arnold-Ratliff) perspective. It's heart breaking to read and very familiar. I hear it in my [...]

By |2019-02-28T17:35:48-05:00February 1st, 2016|BPD, Inner Child, Toxic Parents|Comments Off on O Magazine’s Article about a Toxic Mother
  • 5-signs-your-parent-is-toxic

5 Signs your Parent is Toxic

5 Signs your Parent is Toxic They never apologize for anything, ever. You can remember getting an apology from them maybe once or twice in your life, if ever. Everything is about them. The world revolves around them and you have to make all kinds of accommodations and changes to your schedule to meet theirs, [...]

By |2019-02-28T17:35:48-05:00January 28th, 2016|Anxiety, BPD, NPD, Toxic Parents|Comments Off on 5 Signs your Parent is Toxic
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