• hypnosis addiction treatment broward polk

Can Hypnosis Help You Stay Sober After Addiction Treatment?

Can Hypnosis Help You Stay Sober After Addiction Treatment? Guest post by Patrick Bailey. The first step to overcoming addiction is often seeking treatment. However, holistic addiction treatment doesn't end when you complete a substance abuse program. It's something that you will need to continue to work on to prevent relapse. It's important to use [...]

By |2020-12-09T12:48:31-05:00November 23rd, 2020|Addiction, Anxiety, Hypnosis, Mindfulness|Comments Off on Can Hypnosis Help You Stay Sober After Addiction Treatment?
  • kindness-women-hugging

3 Reasons for Kindness

3 Reasons for Kindness Someone asked me last week why I recommended doing an act of kindness to help with anxiety on election day 2020 in the United States. I had several reasons but these are the Top 3. 1.  It takes your focus off of you and your anxiety and onto someone or something [...]

By |2020-11-09T11:29:07-05:00November 12th, 2020|Anxiety|Comments Off on 3 Reasons for Kindness
  • Core Healing Bridge

Spiritual Hypnosis – Past Life Hypnosis and Between Lives

Spiritual Hypnosis - Past Life Hypnosis and Between Lives I don't have a whole lot on my website about the spiritual side of hypnosis. I talk about it in this video! You can also see the transcript below. Transcript  Hi, Dr. Liz here. I haven't done a video for my channel for a while. So [...]

By |2023-05-15T11:57:28-04:00August 31st, 2020|Hypnosis|Comments Off on Spiritual Hypnosis – Past Life Hypnosis and Between Lives

How’s your Eating these days?

How is your eating and health these days? People went OFF the scale with their eating when the pandemic first hit, but I'm wondering if you've adjusted back to your regular patterns . . . or not. I know many are still working from home with a refrigerator living in the same house (or in [...]

By |2020-08-10T20:14:09-04:00August 18th, 2020|Anxiety, Hypnosis, Weight Loss|Comments Off on How’s your Eating these days?
  • asleep at the laptop insomnia treatment hypnosis

It’s not like the show “Working Moms!”

It's not like the show "Working Moms!" Hypnosis is nothing like it is on the show, "Working Moms." I actually love the show itself. It's super funny without judgement of the struggles moms face. But there's an "evil hypnotist," Dr. Brad, who shows up in season 2. He uses hypnosis for "bad," implanting thoughts into [...]

By |2020-08-10T20:18:28-04:00August 11th, 2020|Anxiety, BPD, Hypnosis|Comments Off on It’s not like the show “Working Moms!”
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