Increase Productivity with a Simple Weekly To Do List with Dr Liz

Increase Productivity with a Simple Weekly To Do List with Dr Liz Transcript Hi everyone Dr. Liz here. So I'm going to just give a productivity tip today because I have told this to a lot of people and it seems to really help them. Now, a lot of people will make a list that's [...]

By |2021-03-29T19:25:53-04:00March 29th, 2021|Entrepreneurs, Parenting|Comments Off on Increase Productivity with a Simple Weekly To Do List with Dr Liz
  • Depression Anxiety Treatment Fort Lauderdale Polk

When you don’t feel like it . . .

When you don't feel like it . . . This newsletter is pretty much the opposite of the last one which was all about Goals. But what about those days when you wake up feeling like you just don't care? You're probably expecting me to say something like, "review your goals, pick one, pick one [...]

By |2021-02-08T21:40:41-05:00February 8th, 2021|Anxiety, Mindfulness|Comments Off on When you don’t feel like it . . .
  • When NOT to do yoga at the office!

When NOT to do Yoga for Self Care

When NOT to do Yoga for Self Care Transcript & Further Thoughts about Self Care I'm filming from home today, obviously! And today's topic is when NOT to do yoga on your own. Now I taught yoga for well over 15 years and owned a prenatal yoga company in South Florida ( You often hear [...]

By |2018-03-07T20:25:49-05:00March 7th, 2018|Entrepreneurs, Mindfulness|Comments Off on When NOT to do Yoga for Self Care
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