You can Stop Vaping with Hypnosis

Lots of people think of hypnosis to Stop Smoking. But did you know it can be used to Stop Vaping too? These days, I have just as many people contacting me to stop vaping as I do to stop smoking.
Often, people will switch from cigarettes to e-cigarettes thinking it’s better for them. In some aspects, it is.

But one of the biggest complaints I hear is that they feel like it’s the worst decision they ever made.

Why? Because now they Vape everywhere and anywhere. They used to step outside the house to smoke a cigarette. But they vape in bed, in the bathroom, in their office, in their kitchen, in their car . . . pretty much everywhere since there are no bans on vaping.

So instead of going several hours without smoking or just doing it in a particular place (like the back yard or porch), they vape everywhere.

And the urges come all the time too and more frequently.

Is this you too? Do you vape 24/7 and wish you didn’t?

Hypnosis is here to help! 

My success rate to help people stop vaping with hypnosis in ONE session is about 95%.  The other 5% take 2-3 sessions.

You can  stop too. There’s nothing unique about them. They just decided they wanted to make a change. They didn’t want to feel controlled anymore or addicted. They wanted to Feel Free.

Dr Liz Bonet Headshot Hypnotherapist HypnosisI work with people all over the world. If you want to Stop Vaping and have a transformed life, grab your Free Consultation with me to get the deets on working together (the how, the when, the where, and the how much)!

Click to Schedule a Free Consultation

Peace and Health,

Dr. Liz
P.S. Before you go, remember to get your Free Hypnosis to reduce Fear and Anxiety!