Sleep Mistake #6 for Insomniacs & Poor Sleepers


Hey everyone Dr Liz here.

I just put out a podcast about the top five mistakes that insomniacs and poor sleepers make and I thought I didn’t include one big tip. Uou can’t include everything trying to do a top five right. So I woke up in the middle of the night thinking, “oh I’ll make a video about that one.”

And that is turn your phones off turn the notifications off when you sleep.

This sounds like a basic like everybody knows to do this. But you would be surprised at how many people keep their phones on at night and then the notification vibration sound wakes them up. And they’re like I don’t know why I’m awake in the middle of the night!

Or sometimes they do know but they’re not willing to turn it off. I had an older friend that used to say bad news will always find you and um you know . . . Not like the Happy Shiny thought that you may want to hear.

But the reality is if something really does happen, you will be found. And perhaps you’ll handle it better on a good night of sleep instead of being woken up all the time.

So um that’s it for today that’s one more tip. Go listen to the other episode. I think it’s HM292 and then 293 is coming out in a week or so and um that is how to fall back asleep if something does wake you up.

Hopefully not your phone because you should have your phone on silent. Some people put it in a completely different room. It’s something psychological with them that can help too or across the room. There was a time when I put mine across the room and that just helped because if I did wake up briefly or something I wasn’t tempted to just pick it up right then and check something. So all of those can help. All right I’ll talk to you soon.


There are so many resources and information on my website about sleep and how to sleep better! Please feel free to explore my website. There are also two free Hypnosis for Insomnia:

Or you can get a  Free Hypnosis to reduce Fear and Anxiety!

If none of those help you sleep better, consider seeking professional help. I do CBT for Insomnia and Hypnosis for Insomnia all over the world!

Dr Liz Bonet Headshot Hypnotherapist Hypnosis If you want to feel better and have a transformed life, grab your Free Consultation with me to get the deets on working together (the how, the when, the where, and the how much)!

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Peace and Health,

Dr. Liz