
Do you feel like you are watching too much porn?

How much is Too Much Porn?

I actually get this question quite a bit – How much is too much porn?

Unfortunately, there’s not one good answer to that question. It’s really an individual call based on your own values and your own relationship. I do know that if porn or multiple affairs is destroying your relationship or your work, then it’s a problem.

It’s two different things but the effect can be the same. A partner viewing porn often feels like an affair to the other person. And if it’s to the level that it’s affecting your relationship or it’s compulsive, it’s time to get help.

What is Compulsive Porn?

Compulsive = You HAVE to do it and feel like you can’t always stop; or you’ve tried to stop but always find yourself right back in front of your computer or your phone. If you know you shouldn’t be watching porn on a work computer but you do it anyway and risk losing your job. . . that’s called a problem.  Sex Addicts Anonymous is FREE, non-judgmental help for porn addicts.

What about Multiple Affairs?

Multiple affairs can be either sex addiction or love addiction, but you don’t have to be married to be a Love Addict. Are your friends totally burned out hearing about your tumultuous relationships? Are your relationships up and down, up and down with drama, drama, drama? To figure out if you’re a Sex or Love Addict, Read More Here.

hypnosis treatment browardHow do I get more Help?

I’m very informed about sex and love addiction, having had special training in it. Although I specialize in hypnosis in Broward county and the Fort Lauderdale area, I also do traditional talk therapy. To see if we’re a good fit to work together, schedule your free consultation at 954-309-9071.

Yours in health,
Dr. Liz