5 Beliefs of Narcissists with Dr Liz


Hi everyone Dr Liz here.  I thought I would give you five beliefs that are running around a narcissist head okay. These are principles that they operate on. These are things they truly believe and that drive a lot of their actions that they do.

So let’s look at number one okay. Before we do that remember entitlement is at the core of every belief they hold and pretty much everything they do. They truly believe that they are entitled. That there’s something special about them. That they deserve whatever it is that they want. They deserve it okay so that is actually number one.

NPD Belief #1 I should have what I want without earning it

I should have what I want without earning it. So most of us walk around in life knowing that we have to earn things. If we want money we have to earn it by working. If we want a relationship, a friendship with someone that there’s some exchange going on. There some reciprocity. That if we want  someone to be nice to us that we have to be nice to them back.

So a narcissist really doesn’t believe that they really believe tha. They should have what they want without earning it, it should just be handed to them.

NPD Belief #2 I should be able to do whatever I want without receiving consequences

two I should be able to do whatever I want without receiving consequences. So that goes on for a lot of narcissists. They think that they can say anything or do anything without any kind of consequences. So sometimes you’ll hear that someone makes a really mean comment to one of their friends or family members and they really believe that that should have no consequence on them. That no one should call them out for it or speak to them directly about it or that that relationship will suffer because of that.

NPD Belief #3 You should give me a stress free life

Three you should give me a stress free life. Absolutely most of them operate on this principle – that you should do whatever you need to do to give them a stress free life right. And this often means that they have you running around doing all kinds of stuff – buying them things, running errands for them, making adjustments to your own schedule for them so that their life is stress free. So they get whatever they want

NPD Belief #4 Jump when I talk

Four uh jump when I talk. Almost all of them want an immediate response and when they don’t get the immediate response then they will go into other kind of manipulation techniques of pouting and um calling incessantly or attacking you. Like why didn’t’t you call me back like all kinds of things. They really want people to respond to them period. They believe that people should.

NPD Belief #5 This is beneath me. You can get me better than this.

Five this is beneath me. You can get me better than this. So even when you do try to give them what you think would make them happy they’ll often go into a reaction of this isn’t good enough somehow.

NPD Belief – Bonus – You are never good enough

Bonus one is they really believe you are never good enough. So you need to overcompensate by doing everything for them. So that sort of goes with the one before. This is beneath me and you can get me better than this. So whatever it is that’s going on somehow they believe that there’s something better out there that they should have and that you should provide it. You should do all the work to provide it to them.

So there’s five beliefs of emotional manipulators for your narcissists. So there’s five beliefs of narcissist for you that are running around in their head and perhaps help you understand them more. I do work with victims of narcissists and adult children of narcissistic parents so if you want some help just reach out to me Have a wonderful day [Music]

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Peace and Health,

Dr. Liz