1-2-3-4-5 Easy Way to Stay Calm with Dr. Liz


Hey everyone, Dr Liz here. I’m going to show you a very fast and simple technique that you can use anywhere to help yourself calm down, I actually used it when I was in eye surgery which was going on for a while.

And you’re aware during eye surgery, by the way, a lot of them, not all of them.  And so I was starting to get a little anxious and um I knew I couldn’t move. But I knew I could do this very, very slowly.

So all you do is is you’re doing your fingers back and forth like this okay? For me sometimes I count. So we’re not going to start in the middle.

1-2-3-4 (does it forwards). I’ll do it this way too (does it backwards).

So you can imagine I’m on a surgery table, my hands actually are strapped down, but I can move my fingers. So I did this and then you can do the other side too.

But you could do this like under a table at a meeting. You could do this at dinner. Yu can do this pretty much anywhere and people are just going to think you’re counting really. It depending on even how fast you do it.

You could even do it even slower where they really wouldn’t notice. So I mean not if you’re holding it in front of their face. Like this, like in your lap under a table, on an airplane, you know things like that.

So that’s it. I hope that helps you all right . . . Peace.

Before you go, remember to get your Free Hypnosis to reduce Fear and Anxiety!

Dr Liz Bonet Headshot Hypnotherapist HypnosisI work with people all over the world. If you want to feel better and have a transformed life, grab your Free Consultation with me to get the deets on working together (the how, the when, the where, and the how much)!

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Peace and Health,

Dr. Liz