Summertime 2023 Update

Anxiety treatment with Dr Liz CBTThis was originally sent in my newsletter the Summer of 2023. Normally, my newsletters then get posted to my website but somehow this one got missed.

How is your summer going? Any good travels? I’ve made two trips to Tallahassee already due to my 17 year old doing the AgDiscovery Program at Florida A&M University. It runs in universities all over the US and is funded by the USDA to encourage kids to explore careers in the agricultural sciences since there’s a huge shortage of kids wanting to do that.

Although she was nervous to go, she loved it and learned about the US food shortage (eek!), animal care (yes!), and Red Wolves among other things..

My third trip to Tallahassee this summer will be in August because Mia, my 21-year-old, will be graduating from FSU! A huge accomplishment and exciting time in her life!

Flash back to before Mia was going to college . . . She had gotten into the Art Institute of Chicago (an accomplishment in itself) and gotten scholarship money. Although her dad and I saved for college her entire life, it would have only covered about a year at the Art Institute even with the scholarships.

You can imagine how difficult that was as a parent to discuss with her. Right around then, I was in the hot seat at an Abraham Hicks event. I asked how to encourage your kiddo to follow their heart when you can’t fund it.

They told me that one of the greatest pleasures in life is imagining something and then accomplishing it yourself. And when we give our kids “everything,” we deprive them of this pleasure.

I keep that in mind as both my kids move forward in their lives.

Mia decided to go to FSU instead, got jobs, grants, and scholarships along the way, and is graduating debt free. She decided not to go to graduate school despite an unheard of GPA. Instead, she’s moving to Asheville, NC and looking for a job in the museum and art industry.

Due to these huge events and transitions, I’m taking August off from the newsletter and podcast. Don’t worry though. I’ll be back in September with new episodes and regular newsletter content.

Peace to all of you and thank you so much for your support over the years – calls, texts, advice, reading, emailing, listening, referring. It means a lot to me!

Before you go, remember to get your Free Hypnosis to reduce Fear and Anxiety!

Dr Liz Bonet Headshot Hypnotherapist HypnosisI work with people all over the world. If you want to feel better and have a transformed life, grab your Free Consultation with me to get the deets on working together (the how, the when, the where, and the how much)!

Click to Schedule a Free Consultation

Peace and Health,

Dr. Liz