SPL-Ep-16-Image-4-800x800Being a Mindful and Productive Single Parent Entrepreneur

I was a guest on the Solo Parent Life podcast hosted by Dr. Robbin Rockett and thought I would share the episode with all of you! The description is below. Enjoy! Click Here to Listen!

Show Description by Dr. Robbin Rockett

Welcome to January and our theme of dealing with stress and anxiety! My guest today is Elizabeth Bonet, who hosts the podcast Hypnotize Me. She’s fast becoming a friend, sounding board, and supporter. She is a single mom, a psychotherapist, and hypnotist in private practice in south Florida—and she’s a former teacher of prenatal yoga. From her wide range of experiences, Elizabeth is here to share advice about being mindful and productive as an entrepreneur. Join us!

What you’ll hear in this episode:

  • How entrepreneurship gives freedom and flexibility to single moms
  • Elizabeth’s tips for managing stress:
    • Recognize it
    • Regroup
    • Check in with others
    • Set limits around work
  • How meditation can help manage stress—even just five minutes!
  • Elizabeth’s “car meditation” breathing exercises
  • Why the podcast, Hypnotize Me? To learn more and help educate others
  • Benefits of hypnotherapy, including help with trauma, anxiety, depression, and smoking cessation
  • “Inner child” work, through hypnotherapy
  • Stress management from the inside out
  • Finding support in online groups and forums
  • Elizabeth’s tips for time management:
    • Schedule your day for self-care
    • Know your own energy and patterns


Insight Timer Meditation App

Click Here to Listen to the Episode on Solo Parent Life!