  • HM301 FREE Hypnosis to Decrease Pain NO background Music Dr Liz.

HM301 FREE Hypnosis to Decrease Pain NO background music

A gong sounds and the hypnosis starts at about RT2:40. Please make sure you're in a safe place before starting the meditation/hypnosis. If you're driving a vehicle, turn off the podcast until you're able to listen to it at a better time. If you're struggling with pain, hypnosis is a [...]

By |September 12th, 2024|Comments Off on HM301 FREE Hypnosis to Decrease Pain NO background music
  • Its Episode 300 How to Volunteer so its FUN and without adopting a million cats

HM300 It’s Episode 300! How to Volunteer so it’s Fun and without Adopting a Million Cats

Join me in celebrating a major milestone as we reach our 300th episode! Since launching in November 2016, the ideas keep flowing! Today, we focus on the benefits of volunteering. I'll share personal stories, including how volunteering helped my youngest daughter overcome depression during COVID, boosting her self-confidence [...]

By |August 30th, 2024|Comments Off on HM300 It’s Episode 300! How to Volunteer so it’s Fun and without Adopting a Million Cats
  • HM299 How do I know this is Working

HM299 How do I know Hypnosis is Working?

Patience and diligent tracking are essential in the hypnosis and therapy process. Understand why it's crucial to allow a few weeks to see real progress and the benefits of scheduling follow-up sessions for continued support and strategies. Dr. Liz also provides practical tips for those practicing self-hypnosis at [...]

By |July 26th, 2024|Comments Off on HM299 How do I know Hypnosis is Working?
  • HM298 Transformting Conflict Mastering Nonviolent Communication with Micah Salaberrios

HM298 Transforming Conflict: Mastering Nonviolent Communication with Micah Salaberrios

Unlock the secrets to transforming conflict into genuine connection with our enlightening discussion on Nonviolent Communication (NVC). Join me, Dr. Liz, and our guest, Micah Salaberrios, as we navigate the profound impacts of NVC. We discuss practical advice on avoiding language that implies blame, maintaining empathy during heated [...]

By |July 19th, 2024|Comments Off on HM298 Transforming Conflict: Mastering Nonviolent Communication with Micah Salaberrios
  • HM297 Neutralize Feelings about your Ex with EMDR

HM297 Neutralize Feelings about your Ex with EMDR

Can unresolved emotional triggers from past relationships still affect your present? Absolutely! Despite a decade-long divorce and his temporary recovery from throat cancer bringing brief peace, old patterns recently emerged, rekindling anger and emotional turmoil with Dr. Liz's ex-husband. Dr. Liz shares her personal story navigating the complexities of [...]

By |July 12th, 2024|Comments Off on HM297 Neutralize Feelings about your Ex with EMDR
  • HM296 Integrating Hypnosis and EMDR for healing trauma with Jaime

HM296 Integrating Hypnosis and EMDR for Healing Trauma with Jaime Weatherholt

This is the third episode of three about hypnosis and EMDR. Jaime is a licensed therapist trained and certified in both EMDR and hypnosis. She gives us her unique experience using both of them in her practice as a trauma therapist. And whether a past life is sometimes [...]

By |June 28th, 2024|Comments Off on HM296 Integrating Hypnosis and EMDR for Healing Trauma with Jaime Weatherholt
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