• Cure for IBS

Is there a cure for IBS?

If you would like to discuss Hypnotherapy for IBS, email drliz@medicalhypnosisflorida.com Is there a cure for IBS? This is a question I get from time to time. Since I'm alllll in favor of honesty, the short answer is No! There's no cure for Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). If there was, don't you think [...]

By |2018-02-04T08:34:07-05:00August 29th, 2016|Hypnosis, IBS|Comments Off on Is there a cure for IBS?
  • IBS and Hypnosis

An SOS for IBS!

For help soothing IBS, email Dr. Liz at drliz@floridapsychotherapy.com. Free consultation available. An SOS for IBS! Let's get right to the point - IBS is so painful. It's almost impossible to talk about it without throwing out a lot of puns, but seriously, it's disruptive to your life like nothing else could be except [...]

By |2018-02-04T08:34:08-05:00April 19th, 2016|Hypnosis, IBS|Comments Off on An SOS for IBS!
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