Dr. Liz interviewed as a Pivotal Leader

Pivotal Leader Dr. Elizabeth Bonet on how to manage work anxiety.
I was interviewed on The Pivotal Leader podcast the week of January 31st, Episode 14. What a fun interview! Gina Trimarco runs a fun podcast all about leadership and business. I personally love listening to podcasts around that topic. Clients often come in struggling with workplace issues – work anxiety or how to manage a “jerk” boss or how to manage work and home life. I consider it my professional responsibility to stay abreast of workplace topics and issues in order to better help my clients.
So how do you listen? You can Go Here and listen on their website or you can subscribe to the Pivotal Leader podcast on your smart phone.
Here are the Show Notes
Before becoming a certified hypnotherapist with a PhD in Clinical Psychology, Dr. Elizabeth Bonet was a yoga teacher and founder of Yogafairy Prenatal Yoga. She won the 2014 Top 100 Leading Moms In Business Award, grew an international community of mothers and ran the company for 15 years before selling it to focus on her psychology practice. And before all of that, she worked in tech as a project manager where she launched the first website to do online trading of international securities.
Podcast Topics Include:
• The number one thing that your business needs to succeed
• Knowledge is power: How to find out what your customers really want
• Strategies for overcoming “jerk leaders” or becoming one
• How to recognize and manage employee anxiety to improve productivity
• Culture-based employee manuals
• Attracting talent that fits your culture and leadership style
I specialize in hypnosis for anxiety and chronic conditions in Broward county and the Fort Lauderdale area. If you would like the magic of custom hypnosis, email me at drliz@drlizhypnosis.com. If you’re local to Broward county or the Fort Lauderdale area, we’ll do it in person. If not, we’ll arrange an online appointment.
Yours in health,
Dr. Liz