Knee Taps to Stay Calm


Hey everyone Dr Liz here! I’m going to show you another very quick technique to help you calm down. It’s bilateral stimulation and so you’re stimulating both sides of your brain to help it get to work together to help you feel calmer.

And it’s very very easy you’re basically just tapping on your knees back and forth like this that’s it okay.

Obviously my hands are by my knees which uh you know I tried different angles for this video and none of them looked really good so just imagine I’m tapping on my knees right here dink dink dink dink. My hands are in my lap. I’m just tapping on my knees very gently.

You can do this and nobody will even notice typically unless they’re really paying attention. But you can do this anywhere really – school, work, airplane, car. It was taught to Me by Kelly T Woods who’s a phenomenal hypnotherapist. She has written several books and I saw her to stop having travel sickness –  air sickness and car sickness. I was actually going on a car trip with my husband and I didn’t want to feel sick.

So she taught it to me. She also did a hypnosis for that and um didn’t have a stitch of it  –   not on the airplane, not in the car, not going through mountains. Nothing, nothing so go hypnosis and go Kelly! Anyway, I’ll put her information down in the description so you can contact her if you like all right that’s it for today, peace

Before you go, remember to get your Free Hypnosis to reduce Fear and Anxiety!

Dr Liz Bonet Headshot Hypnotherapist HypnosisI work with people all over the world. If you want to feel better and have a transformed life, grab your Free Consultation with me to get the deets on working together (the how, the when, the where, and the how much)!

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Peace and Health,

Dr. Liz