HM229 Start Manifesting with Dr Liz Quote 5

Hypnosis to manifest and help you get what you want in your life is a long tradition! Dr. Liz interviews Victoria Gallagher on how she began using visualization scripts and then eventually became a hypnotist to help people with success and manifesting. We discuss:

  • The top 3 things that hold people back from manifesting.
  • What people are missing that prevent them from being in alignment from what they want.
  • How to find confidence and build your manifesting muscles.
  • How to break limiting beliefs.










Victoria Gallagher is the owner of the HypnoThoughts App and the HypnoThoughts Podcast host. You can find her, her courses, and her community at
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HM229 3 Steps to manifesting with dr liz 3

HM229 Manifesting Hypnosis with Dr Liz 4










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Listened to in over 140 countries, Hypnotize Me is the podcast about hypnosis, transformation, and healing. Certified hypnotherapist and Licensed Mental Health Counselor, Dr. Elizabeth Bonet, discusses the research behind hypnosis, interviews professionals doing transformational work, and talks to individuals who have had hypnosis. Free hypnoses are also given from time to time. If you’re interested in learning more about the magic of hypnosis, psychotherapy and mindfulness, this is the perfect place to feed your fascination!

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