Hypnosis for Chronic Pain Treatment

Decrease Chronic Pain with hypnosis with Dr. Elizabeth Bonet drliz@drlizhypnosis.com
I’m reading a lovely book called “Radical Acceptance: Embracing your life with the heart of a Buddha” by Tara Brach. It is one of the best books I’ve read in the last year (and I read a lot!). Tim Ferris of “The 4 hour Work Week” said it’s one of the books that changed his life, which is how I found it.
It’s good for emotional pain, yes. But it’s particularly good if you’re struggling with chronic physical pain.
There have been times in my life when I’ve had to admit injuries lasting years were chronic pain and come up with strategies to handle them. Meditation has definitely helped. Hypnosis. And being able to talk about and process the pain. Tara gives multiple strategies to help both radically accept and reduce chronic pain. Give it a read if you’re struggling with chronic pain.
Psychotherapy and Hypnosis
Psychotherapy and hypnosis for chronic pain is both conversations about what is most helpful for you as well as hypnosis to help you control your pain and reduce your pain on a daily basis. When appropriate, you get a recording of the hypnosis that you can then download and listen to whenever you like.
I specialize in hypnosis for anxiety and chronic conditions in Broward county and the Fort Lauderdale area. Please email drliz@drlizhypnosis.com to schedule an appointment.
Yours in health,
Dr. Liz