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Hypnosis to Reduce Stress!
(sleep better, feel better, have less aches and pains!)
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“What brings you a bit of peace or joy? Make a list that you can pull out and look at anytime that you need to feel better. Do something on the list this week.”
“Open the window of your mind. Allow the fresh air, new lights, and new truths to enter.” ~ Amit Ray
“Make a wish in the wishing well!”
“We have a lamp inside us, the lamp of mindfulness, which we can light anytime. The oil of that lamp is our breathing, our steps, and our peaceful smile. Our practice is to light up the lamp.” ~Thich Nhat Hanh
“What magic will you discover today? Keep your eyes open and your mind aware as you walk outside today and see who or what appears.”
give a look at “Don’t Panic” by Reed Wilson
pick up “15 Things you should Give up to Be Happy” by Luminita Saviuc
read “The Child Whisperer” by Carol Tuttle
The 7 Principles for Making Marriage Work” by Julie and John Gottman
Hypnosis to Reduce Fear and Anxiety
Hypnosis to Increase Emotional Stability
Hypnosis for a Better Pregnancy
Anxiety Worksheet
The “Gift Giving Guide to You!”
Super Fast Primer on Goal Setting
“Your Marriage can Change Overnight: Ten Tips for Couples in the New Millenium”
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The FREE Hypnosis Files are all yours to keep, share with friends and family, have the family pet listen to them . . . whatever you like!
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